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Interactive Media and Public Relations Committee

Committee Description:
The Interactive Media and Public Relations Committee is responsible for promoting a better understanding of Dermatitis and ACDS through a variety of public outreach efforts, marketing and public relations. Responsibilities include providing recommendations on website design, organization and content, providing member educational resources and interactive media tools, and strengthening the society’s technological infrastructure on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other forms of digital media.

Council: Communication Council

Committee Chair and Council Liaison: Rabina Walsh, MD

Deputy Chair: Emily Milam, MD

Committee Members:
Carsten Hamann, MD, PhD
Sarah Chisolm, MD
Carina Woodruff, MD
Katherine Lee, MD
Solveig Olphaug, MD
Marie Leger, MD, PhD
Lisa Maier, MD
Megan Rogge, MD

Those interested in serving on the ACDS Interactive Media and Public Relations Committee may submit a committee interest form for consideration in the upcoming year. Please contact or call (414) 918-9805 with any questions.


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