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Fran Storrs Poster Award

Each year, The American Contact Dermatitis Society presents the Fran Storrs Poster Award for the top three research/review posters by a resident or medical student at the Scientific Session of the Annual Meeting. The top three posters presented will receive a certificate and will be recognized during the Annual Meeting. Further, the winner is encouraged to present their findings to the Society's journal Dermatitis. 

The following criteria are used:

Originality: How original or unique is the idea, observation or research? This criterion assumes that the applicant’s sponsor made a contribution, but it evaluates only the originality of the idea or concept, not the originator of the idea.

Design or methods used in the investigation or research: This criterion considers the appropriateness and cleverness of the design or methods used in the investigation or research, which includes such obvious parameters as appropriate patch test concentrations, reading times, controls and the like.

Logicality of conclusions: Do the conclusions reached by the investigator follow logically from the investigative methods used? Did the presentation make sense?

Clinical usefulness: How useful are the observations or conclusions to the clinical practitioner? Although laboratory research is welcome, emphasis is placed on the practicality of the observations or on conclusions that are applicable to clinical practice. This includes such considerations as the probability of seeing patients with a similar problem and the ability to use any new information to the immediate benefit of patients.

Posters are rated by a panel of judges during the meeting.

How to apply: All poster participants are eligible and reviewed for the prize.
Submit your abstract online to be considered for the Fran Storrs Poster Award

Submit an Abstract


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