Mentoring Award
ACDS Mentoring Awards are granted for the purpose of assisting young dermatologists including dermatology residents, dermatology fellows, or dermatologist up to 5 years out of residency to become leaders/experts in the field of contact dermatitis by acquiring additional academic skills which may not be available at their training institutions.
The applications are reviewed every 6 months. The deadline to apply for a Mentoring Award is 11:59pm CST on April 15 and October 15 of each year. To apply for this award, please click here.
The Criteria
- Either the Mentor or the Applicant must be a member of ACDS.
- Mentor and applicant may not be from the same institution.
- Funding may not exceed $3,000 per applicant.
- Mentor must provide written acceptance of applicant and submit a follow-up report.
- Academic/leadership potential is apparent, either from the applicant or department chair letters.
- Budgeted items may include expenses related to travel and research, but may not include items as software, books, lab materials or registration fees for meetings or travel to meetings. No indirect costs will be allowed.
- Applicant’s work is to be with one or two specific mentors, not with an entire department.
The Selection Guidelines
- Travel expenses will be considered if it is necessary to provide a unique mentoring opportunity.
- Preference will be given to mentors or applicants who are members of ACDS.
- Mentoring may not serve to meet Residency Review Committee guidelines.
NOTE: The applicant must be able to complete the mentoring experience within the travel guidelines that are currently in place at their institution and the institution they are visiting.
- If an approved mentoring project cannot be completed as originally proposed, the awardee must immediately contact the ACDS office. Arrangements will be made to return the award if already received or change to an alternative project approved by the Committee.
- Sixty days prior to the start of the mentoring project, the applicant is to reaffirm the dates of the mentoring program with the ACDS Office and request their award check indicating the address for mailing.
- Once the applicant has completed the approved project, the mentee is required to submit a written progress and financial report summarizing the skills or knowledge acquired from this experience. Any unused funds must be returned to ACDS.
- Applications must be complete to receive full consideration from the review committee.
Comments from Past Mentees
"The mentorship opportunity provided an experience that is both inspiring and rewarding for a young dermatologist like me. It is a rare opportunity that I will always remember and be thankful for because of the great and awesome people that I have met — like the residents, consultants and the dermatology staff...
The mentorship had been a worthwhile experience and I hope other dermatologists would be given the same chance as me."
Lei Anne Michelle Hernandez

Jennifer Chen (right) with
Jacob Thyssen in Copenhagen
With Dr. Thyssen, I worked on a project exploring when to patch test patients with atopic dermatitis, and Dr. Thyssen and I are now collaborating to put together a textbook on metal allergy as well.

Hanna Lucerno (center) with
Dr. Susan Nedorost (right)
Learning under Dr. Susan Nedorost was a very enriching experience. In her clinic, I was able to encounter a lot of challenging cases of contact and occupational dermatitis. Her emphasis on patient education is one very important lesson that I have learned and will apply in my future practice.
My mentorship with Dr. Sharon Jacob not only allowed me to better understand contact dermatitis and all its nuances, but has has culminated in a journal article entitled “Contact Dermatitis in the Atopic Child” ...
I am confident that my mentorship with Dr. Jacob will help me to become a future leader in contact dermatitis, particularly in the military setting. To this end, I hope to educate my military peers on the best methods to alleviate this chronic and common, yet manageable, condition.
Julia Kwan, MD