Fisher Lectureship Award
The Alexander Fisher Lectureship is awarded in honor of Alexander Fisher, MD honoring his contributions to the field of contact dermatitis. The lecturer is selected based on his or her contributions to contact dermatitis, reflection of the spirit of Dr. Fisher's enthusiasm for the subject of contact dermatitis, and for sharing knowledge and experience in evaluating patients.

2025 Fisher Lecturer - Sharon Jacob, MD
Ask Alex - Looking Beyond the Horizon
Sharon Jacob is professor of dermatology at Loma Linda University and Clinical Professor of Medicine-Pediatrics at the University of California, Riverside. She founded the Pediatric Contact Dermatitis (National) Registry and the Dermatitis Academy, public education site dedicated to all things contact dermatitis. She earned her Bachelors of Arts Degree with honors in molecular biology from Hampshire College (motto Non-Satis Scire "to know is not enough”), her medical degree from Temple University, completed a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Scholarship year at the NIH studying HIV-immunodermatology, completed her dermatology residency and a two year Clinical Scientist Training Program at the University of Miami, and ACDS mentorships with William James/Bruce Brod at UPenn and David Cohen at NYU. She is a world-recognized leader in the field of pediatric contact dermatitis and has published widely in the field of Contact (with over 400 publications). Her contributions have resulted in her being honored with Presidential Citation Awards from both the American Academy of Dermatology and the American Contact Dermatitis Society (ACDS). Dr. Jacob served as President the ACDS (2017-2019), a time of great organizational growth for the Society, and supported the Society as Past-President through the challenges of the COVID-pandemic. She is a prolific reader, a prolific writer and a prolific activator (often of unexpecting others, who then realize they have enlisted for full enthusiastic engagement)… She is honored to give the 2025 Fisher Lecture: Ask Alex, Insights on the Horizon… a Tribute to Dr. Fisher’s lasting impact on the American Contact Dermatitis Society (learners and leaders) and how by “staying in contact”, Dr. Fisher encouraged exploration of the fields of both Pediatric and Systemically-Activated Contact Dermatitis.