16th Annual Contact Allergen Bee
Attention Residents - Come test your contact allergen knowledge by participating in the 16th Annual CONTACT ALLERGEN BEE - a fun and engaging live contest sponsored by the ACDS Dermatitis Journal! Winners are awarded up to $1,000! Questions will be(e) multiple choice and based on papers published in Dermatitis from January, 2025 through December, 2025 and any past ACDS Allergen of the Year articles.
When is the Bee?
Event will be held in conjunction with the ACDS 37th Annual Meeting.
ACDS 37th Annual Meeting
Thursday, March 26, 2026
Denver, CO
Pre-Qualification Meeting: Location TBD
Final Round: General Sessions Room
Interested in Joining the Bee?
- Sign up for the Contact Allergen Bee when you register for the ACDS 37th Annual Meeting
or - Sign up by emailing us directly.
Once your registration is confirmed, you will receive online access to the relevant issues of the Dermatitis Journal.
Who is Eligible to Participate?
- Dermatology residents, or allergy and occupational medicine fellows in good standing, who are currently enrolled in an ACGME or an international equivalent program.
- Limited spots available - secure your spot early!
In order to participate in the Contact Allergen Bee, your attendance is required at the pre-qualification meeting the day of the conference. This meeting will cover rules, qualifications and other necessary information.
Please contact info@contactderm.org with any questions you may have.