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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Travel Award

The American Contact Dermatitis Society is pleased to announce the availability of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Travel Award which provides travel grants to the American Contact Dermatitis Society's Annual Meeting for the presentation of work (either an oral presentation or poster presentation) which focuses on diversity, equity, inclusion, or healthcare disparities within dermatitis.

Presentations may focus on race, ethnicity, and/or socieoeconomic factors and their effect on the pathophysiology, epidemiology, education, diagnosis, management, or prevention of atopic or contact dermatoses in skin of color.  Specific areas of exploration may include:

  • race, ethnicity, socieoeconomic factors and effect on access to dermatitis care/patch testing
  • quality of life with dermatitis in skin of color
  • skin of color and variation in management and outcomes of dermatitis
  • risk factors for dermatitis in skin of color
  • occupational dermatoses in skin of color and disadvantaged socioeconomic groups etc.

Each award provides up to a $1,000.00 stipend to defray travel expenses to the meeting. Our next meeting will be held March 7, 2024, in San Diego, and is held just prior to the American Academy of Dermatology’s Annual Meeting.

Those wishing to be considered for the award should submit their abstract online and check the box for the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Travel Award. If you have any questions, please email us at or call the ACDS Office at (414) 918-9805.

Submit an Abstract

The following criteria will be used in selecting the award:

1. Originality - How original or unique is the idea, observation or research?
2. Design methods utilized in the investigation or research.
3. The appropriateness and cleverness of the design methods used in the investigation or research. This includes appropriate use of controls, statistical power of the study, proper Patch Testing technique (if relevant), logicality of conclusions: do the conclusions by the investigator logically follow from the investigative methods?
4. Clinical Usefulness: How useful are the observations or conclusions of the investigator?
5. Scientific Usefulness: Will this study stimulate further scientific research?
6. Writing style and English grammar: Is the abstract written clearly and concisely?
7. Promotion/added knowledge to issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and healthcare disparities within dermatitis?

Each of the above criteria will be rated by the committee on a scale ranging from 0-5. The eligible abstracts with the highest total points score will receive the awards. Those selected to receive the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Travel Award will be notified prior to the meeting and acknowledged at the Society's Annual Meeting.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Travel Award History


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