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Fisher Award and Lectureship Committee

Committee Description:
The Fisher Award and Lectureship Committee is responsible for the selection and confirmation of the Alexander A. Fisher Lectureship Awardee at the Society annual meeting, and selection of the Alexander A. Fisher Resident Awardee for the top three papers presented by a resident at the Annual Meeting.

Council: Meetings Council

Committee Chair: Amber Atwater, MD

Co-Council Liaison: Walter Liszewski, MD

Co-Council Liaison: Douglas Powell, MD

Committee Members:
Pamela Scheinman, MD
Bruce Brod, MD, MHCI
Cory Dunnick, MD

Those interested in serving on the ACDS Fisher Award and Lectureship Committee may submit a committee interest form for consideration in the upcoming year. Please contact or call (414) 918-9805 with any questions.


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