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Join a Committee

All ACDS Councils and Committees play a significant role in the continued growth and success of the American Contact Dermatitis Society (ACDS). Each committee member is an invaluable asset to ACDS as they provide a unique perspective and approach to ensuring that ACDS’s Vision and Mission are the core factors behind all initiatives and programs.

Most ACDS committees have a three year term commitment and meet virtually by conference call several times a year. Committee appointments are made by the incoming ACDS President in the beginning of each year. Committee appointments begin following the Annual Meeting in each given year.

Interested in becoming more involved?
Submit the Committee Interest Form today.

committee structure

2024-2025 Councils and Committees

All committees are structured under a specific Council, which is overseen by a designated board member(s) who will serve as the Council Chair. The primary responsibility of the Council Chair is to ensure the committee has the tools and resources necessary to complete their objectives and to serve as a communication liaison between the committee and the board.

CAMP Council

Communication Council

Education Council

Finance Council

Governance Council

Liaison Council (Board Appointed)

  • AAD/AMA Liaison
  • ESCD Liaison
  • SPD Liaison
  • AAAAI and ACAAI Liaison

Meetings Council

Nominating Committee (Board Appointed)

Publications Council

Research Council



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