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Editorial/Publications and Article of the Year (ArOY) Committee

Committee Description:
The Editorial and Publications Committee is responsible for serving as the liaison between the Society and Dermatitis. Roles include investigation of advertising and subscriber leads and coordination of the selection process for editors and other positions within the editorial structure of Dermatitis. The committee is also responsible for determining the selection and review process and coordinating the distribution and publication of the Dermatitis Article of the Year.

Council: Publications Council

Council Chair: Amber Atwater, MD

Council Liaison: Paul Bigliardi, MD

Committee Members:
Emily Gurnee, MD
Stephen Helms, MD
JiaDe "Jeff" Yu, MD
Donald Belsito, MD
Mark Davis, MD
Jonathan Silverberg, MD, PhD, MPH
Erin Warshaw, MD

Dermatitis Editor-in-Chief: Anthony Gaspari, MD

Those interested in serving on the ACDS Editorial/Publications and Article of the Year (ArOY) Committee may submit a committee interest form for consideration in the upcoming year. Please contact or call (414) 918-9805 with any questions.


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