Message from the President
Dear ACDS Member,
As summer fades into fall, I wanted to thank each and every one of you for your involvement, your feedback and your continuous support over the last year. Our leadership and committee members have spent countless hours positioning our Society for success and continued growth. As we wrap up the year, please consider your peers who have worked side by side with you and nominate them to be an official leader of the ACDS. Board of Director nominations are being accepted now through October 10th for the President-Elect and three open director positions. Self-nominations are also encouraged. Remember to cast your vote beginning November 7 through December 19.
It’s also that time of year where we again start thinking of renewing our ACDS membership. Why not check it off the list early. 2023 membership renewals are now being accepted online. I challenge everyone to invite one new member into our Society for the upcoming year and show them what they are missing. A full list of member benefits, including access to the Dermatitis Journal, CAMP and other educational resources can be found here.
Looking ahead, I invite you to come celebrate the advancements of dermatitis at the ACDS 34th Annual Meeting in New Orleans, March 16, 2023. Planning is well underway and I invite you to take a sneak peak at some of the great speakers and topics that have been secured. Don’t forget to submit your oral and poster abstracts by December 20th for your chance to present. Watch for more information coming soon with registration opening in early November.
If you have member news or information you would like highlighted in a future ACDS Newsletter, please email it to info@contactderm.org.

Douglas L. Powell, MD

Facebook: @ACDSDermatitis @DermatitisJournal
Instagram: ACDS_Dermatitis
Twitter: @ACDS_Dermatitis @dermatitisJrnl
Inside this Issue

Last chance to submit your leadership nominations - Deadline is Monday, October 10th!
Nominations are being accepted for one President Elect and three Board of Directors openings. All ACDS members are encouraged to nominate a fellow member of the Society for election to the board of directors. Self-nominations are allowed and encouraged.
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The Transition to a New Publisher
After a twelve year association with Wolters Kluwer, our contract with this publisher will expire December 31, 2022. We are grateful to this publishing company for all that has transpired during this time. There are many positives that have occurred. Our impact factor continues to rise, and now stands at 4.867. We are currently ranked 14th among the top 50 Dermatology journals. Submissions to DERMATITIS have steadily increased, and resulted in a significant backlog of peer-reviewed, accepted manuscripts that are awaiting publication. We are clearly moving closer to being able to have enough manuscripts to move beyond our current publication frequency of six issues per year. In addition, we have expanded the interests of our journal to five domains: Contact, Atopic, Occupational, Drug and Environmental dermatitis. There are also new features for the journal and its website that have transpired during our twelve year association with Wolters Kluwer.
As of January 1, 2023, our new partner for publishing DERMATITIS will be Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., which is a leading independent publisher known worldwide for its peer-reviewed journals, books, and trade publications in diverse fields, including healthcare. This company publishes over 90 peer reviewed journals, trade magazines, newsletters and society membership management and conferences. The ACDS and the Editorial office is pleased with this development, and we look forward to continuing the successes of the journal, including the growth and expansion of DERMATITIS.
As part of our transition to our new publisher, we have changed our manuscript processing platform (manuscript submission site) from Editorial Manager (Wolters Kluwer, our current publisher) to Scholar One (Mary Ann Liebert, our new publisher). This transition became effective on September 1, 2022. NEW submissions after this date will be processed on our new website (Scholar One). Existing submissions that were submitted prior to September 1, 2022 (such as manuscripts undergoing review or revisions) will be processed through Editorial Manager. Any manuscripts that have been accepted and are awaiting publication in 2022 through Editorial Manager will be transferred to Scholar One (Mary Ann Liebert publishing company) near the end of the calendar year, and will be published some time in 2023.
The editorial office is grateful to the Wolters Kluwer team for their professionalism in assisting with the transition process and the Mary Ann Liebert team for their enthusiasm, training and guidance with the transition to the new platform. Special thanks to Jo Urquhart, our editorial assistant, who has been invaluable in coordinating with both publishers to assure this process is on schedule and complete to the last detail(s).
If needed, our editorial office is offering training sessions for our Associate and Section Editors and Reviewers through the Mary Ann Liebert support team to help familiarize them with the Scholar One platform. Please contact the editorial office (ju.dermatitis@outlook.com or aagaspari@gmail.com) if the change to the Scholar One platform poses any challenges. We have the same advice for authors who are submitting manuscripts: Please contact us if there are questions or concerns related to the transition to the Scholar One platform.
Ending the Year with a Theme-Focused Supplement
As mentioned earlier, DERMATITIS publishes six regular issues every year, and our last two regular issues for 2022 are currently in production. We are pleased to announce that there will be an additional theme-focused supplement on Atopic Dermatitis during 2022. This supplemental issue will be distributed at the end of the year, and will be bundled (mailed) with the regular November-December issue of DERMATITIS. This supplemental issue came about due to the increased number of peer-reviewed, accepted articles that address this condition and the interest of the pharmaceutical industry. We look forward to publishing future theme-focused supplemental issues related to Atopic Dermatitis, as well as the other four themes associated with our journal.
Anthony A. Gaspari, MD
Dermatitis Editor-in-Chief
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Does Your institution Have Access to Dermatitis?
In order to insure your institution continues to offer Dermatitis in their library collection, we are encouraging all ACDS members to reach out to their institutions. For your convenience, a template has been provided below for your use in contacting your applicable institutional representatives.
For additional information on the Dermatitis Journal, click here.
Any questions can be directed to the ACDS at info@contactderm.org or by contacting Mary Ann Liebert's Global Sales Director, Wendy Newsham by email at wnewsham@liebertpub.com.
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The American Contact Dermatitis Society is committed to advancing the care and understanding of dermatology and allergy through the promotion of education, research and advocacy. As part of this initiative, ACDS offers the following educational awards to help encourage research in these areas.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and
Healthcare Disparities Award
The American Contact Dermatitis Society is pleased to offer a research award dedicated to the study of diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI), and healthcare disparities within dermatitis. These awards will not exceed $10,000 per year and will favor those in the $3,000 to $5,000 range.
Applicants may focus on race, ethnicity, and/or socieoeconomic factors and their effect on the pathophysiology, epidemiology, education, diagnosis, management, or prevention of atopic or contact dermatoses in skin of color.
Click here to see a list of past recipients of the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Healthcare Disparities Award.
Clinical Research Award
The ACDS offers awards for the purpose of relevant clinical studies directed toward the subject of contact dermatitis. Studies which focus on clinical problems or have applications to clinical problems will receive preferential consideration. These awards will not exceed $5,000 each and will favor those in the $3,000 to $5,000 range.
One of the awards, the James R. Nethercott Clinical Research Award Fund, honors the memory and achievements of Dr. James R. Nethercott and will provide a clinical research award in the amount of $5,000 for young investigators studying occupational dermatology and/or epidemiology of contact dermatitis.
Click here to see a list of past recipients of the Clinical Research Award.
Mentoring Award
The ACDS mentoring awards are granted for the purpose of assisting young dermatologists including dermatology residents, dermatology fellows, or dermatologist up to 5 years out of residency to become leaders/experts in the field of contact dermatitis by acquiring additional academic skills which may not be available at their training institutions.
ACDS Mentoring Award History can be found here.
Mid-Career Award
The ACDS Mid-Career Development Award provides financial support for ACDS members to defray the cost of acquiring specific skills and knowledge to enhance their professional development in some aspect of contact dermatitis and/or occupational dermatology.
The goal of this Program is to provide ACDS members opportunities to enhance their career development through participating in "hands-on" training or other educational activities.
To see Mid-Career Award History, click here.
Outcomes Research Award
The ACDS Outcomes Research Award is for study of outcomes of dermatitis evaluation and management. Proposals may include investigators from single or multiple centers. The purpose is to establish the value of expert specialist evaluation and management of chronic dermatitis. Proposals are expected from established centers with availability of extended patch test series. Results from the research will be published in Dermatitis subject to editorial review.
Outcomes Research Award history can be found here.

For information on any of these opportunities,
please visit Education and Research on our website.
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Abstract Submission Now Open!

Interested in presenting at the ACDS Annual Meeting? Submitting an abstract through the ACDS submission process, allows individuals an opportunity to present research at the Annual Meeting in the form of an oral or poster presentation. In addition, all submissions have the opportunity to be considered for one of our many ACDS Meeting Awards found below.
ACDS Annual Meeting Award Opportunities
If you would like to be considered for any of the above awards, please be sure to complete the applicable award section during the abstract submission process.
For more information or to submit your abstract, please click here.
If you have questions, please email us or call (414) 918-9805.
Submission Deadline: Tuesday, December 20, 2022 at 11:59pm CST.
Meeting Registration Opening Soon!
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