Message from the President
Dear ACDS Member,
The first few months of 2020 have been challenging with the COVID-19 pandemic affecting every aspect of our lives. It is my hope that you, our members, have had every opportunity to stay healthy and happy during this unprecedented time.
As you know, ACDS made the difficult, but very appropriate, decision to cancel our 31st Annual Meeting in Denver, CO. In response to this, our dedicated Annual Meeting Chair Dr. Nicole Burkemper, Annual Meeting Committee Members and ACDS leadership worked together to create an innovative online experience for you, our members. The online content will be available through the end of the year. For more information on how to register, please read below.
We are still on track to launch the new and more user-friendly version of CAMP, likely this fall. Please review our CAMP update below.
We hope that you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy!
Yours in Patch Testing,

Twitter: @ACDS_Dermatitis @dermatitisJrnl
Facebook: @ACDSDermatitis @Dermatitis
Instagram: ACDS_Dermatitis
Inside this Issue
ACDS Office Closure
Due to the evolving COVID-19 threat and a recent government safe order mandating all non-essential businesses to be closed in the state of Wisconsin, the ACDS/EDI offices will remain closed. ACDS staff will continue to be available to ACDS members via remote access and will be routinely checking voicemail and email. During this time, the best way to communicate with ACDS staff is by emailing info@contactderm.org. Thank you for your patience as we all navigate through these unprecedented times. For more information, please click here.
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ACDS 2020 Election Results
The ACDS Board of Directors is the fiduciary body, responsible for governance of the ACDS and stewardship of its assets. It is empowered to act on behalf of the membership within the framework of the organization's bylaws and is legally, ethically, and morally responsible for performing its functions.
We are excited to announce the results of the 2020 Board of Directors election. Congratulations to the below board members, who will take their position effective May 1, 2020 and will serve a three year term. Please join us in congratulating them on this great honor.
2020 Board of Directors

Nicole Burkemper, MD
Saint Louis University
St. Louis, MO

Ari Goldminz, MD
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Boston, MA

Golora Honari, MD
Stanford University
Stanford, CA
Thank you to the below ACDS board members for their dedication to the Society for the last three years.

Jennifer Chen, MD
Stanford University
Stanford, CA

Christen Mowad, MD
Geisinger Medical Center
Danville, PA

Jonathan Zippin, MD
Weill Cornell Medical College
New York, NY
For a complete list of the Board of Directors, please click here.
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ACDS 31st Annual Meeting
The presenters that were scheduled to participate in the meeting in Denver have worked very hard on their research and science. In order to give them an opportunity to present, ACDS has created an Online Experience for ACDS members and non-members alike.
Access to this Online Experience will remain open through the end of the year, and you may log in as many times as you would like to view content. CME credit will be available after viewing the pre-recorded PowerPoint presentations, along with the general PowerPoint presentations. Please feel free to view the Poster PDFs at your leisure as CME credit is not given for posters.
Access to this educational content requires registration. Register today!
Online Registration Fees
ACDS Members - $100
Non-Members - $125
Residents - Free

Sponsorship Support
The American Contact Dermatitis Society wishes to thank the following sponsors for supporting the Society and this online experience.

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Fisher Resident Lecture and Poster Awards
Congratulations to the below winners!
2020 Fisher Resident Award Winners
- Gold Award: Identifying Acrylates in Medical Adhesives – Idy Tam, MS
- Silver Award: Carba Mix Misses 40% of Reactions to Diphenylguanidine: Retrospective Analysis from the North American Contact Dermatitis Group – Rachit Gupta, BA
- Bronze Award: Formaldehyde Release from Pre-Dispersed Tattoo Ink: Analysis Using the Chromotropic Acid Method – Y. Linda Liou, DO
Register for access to the Annual Meeting Online Content to view these top Fisher resident lecturers.
2020 Fran Storrs Poster Award Winners
To view all the ACDS Annual Meeting poster submissions, click here.
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ACDS Business Meeting
The ACDS Annual Business Meeting was held virtually on April 30th where the newest ACDS members were approved for permanent membership and the proposed ACDS bylaw changes were approved. Thank you to all those who attended. If you were not able to attend, the Business Meeting presentation is available for viewing by clicking here.
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ACDS Website Update
Be sure to check out the new ACDS website. The new design features a streamlined look with a more modern feel and additional member resources available at your fingertips.
- Mobile-friendly access for resources on the go
- Ability to easily share ACDS content via several different media platforms
- Increased educational content for quick member access including:
Content will continue to be updated periodically. Please email info@contactderm.org with feedback and suggestions on additional content you would like to see.
ACDS Website Committee 2019 - 2020 |
ACDS Education Committee 2019 - 2020 |
Jennifer Chen, MD (Committee Chair) |
Jennifer Chen, MD (Committee Chair) |
Keri Chaney, MD |
Motunrayo Adisa, MD |
Cory Dunnick, MD |
Crystal Davis, BSN RN |
Michael Sheehan, MD |
Ida Duarte, MD |
JiaDe "Jeff" Yu, MD |
Dathan Hamann, MD |
Kari Martin, MD |
Laurie Parsons, MD |
Apra Sood, MD |
Rabina Walsh, MD |
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ACDS Contact Allergen Management Program (CAMP)
ACDS Welcomes Dr. Margo Reeder as New ACDS CAMP Director
Margo Reeder, MD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Dermatology at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health in Madison, WI. She received her medical degree from Mayo Clinic School of Medicine in 2009 and completed her residency at University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. She is board certified in Dermatology and serves as the Medical Director of Quality Improvement for the Department where she also sees both adult and pediatric patients who have been referred for patch testing. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Reeder on her new role as CAMP Director.
CAMP 2.0 - Coming Soon
Dr. Reeder and the entire CAMP Education Committee are pleased to announce that great progress is being made on the development of CAMP 2.0. with a rollout expected in Fall 2020.
The planned upgrade will allow for a more user-friendly interface and improved functionality for both you and your patients, featuring more products, easier allergen searches and enhanced patient educational handouts.
Click here to watch an update from CAMP Director, Dr. Margo Reeder.
Note: to hear the audio, please download the presentation to your computer and view PowerPoint in full screen mode.
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ACDS AMA and Health Policy Committee Update
The American Medical Association (AMA) Annual Meeting that was scheduled in June 2020 in Chicago has been canceled due the national public health emergency and epidemic of COVID-19. There may be a limited virtual meeting in June 2020 to discuss essential AMA business. There will not be an opportunity, however, to introduce or discuss resolutions that impact overall health policy.
The AMA sent a sign-on letter to Congress in April asking for additional relief in the form of grants and loans for physicians due to the impact of COVID-19. The letter also included a request for loan forgiveness for medical students and recent medical graduates.
Private Payer Advocacy
Dermatology Networking Solutions, a Florida based contracting company, issued a policy restricting patch testing to allergists. The American Academy of Dermatology is opposing this policy supported by resources and talking points provided in the past by the ACDS. Please alert the ACDS if you become aware of similar policies from your local insurance companies.
Federal Legislation
Members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Health approved cosmetics safety legislation, a step toward consumer protection on March 11, 2020. The Cosmetics Safety Enhancement Act of 2019 (H.R. 5279) has bipartisan support and is authored by Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ). The bill would, among other provisions, require cosmetic companies to substantiate the safety of their products, require reporting to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of any adverse health events, give the FDA the power to conduct safety reviews and require manufacturers to provide more transparency about ingredients on their labels.
Bruce A. Brod, MD MHCI FAAD
Chair, ACDS AMA and Health Policy Committee
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2019 Dermatitis Article of the Year
The ACDS Editorial/Publications Committee is pleased to announce a new initiative for recognizing the top Dermatitis articles published in the previous calendar year. Eligible articles include original reviews and studies from the six print issues published within the 2019 calendar year. Awards are based on scientific contribution; clinical significance and impact on clinical practice and patient care; and innovation and evidence-based reasoning.
It is with great pleasure that ACDS would like to announce the 2019 Dermatitis Articles of the Year. Open access is granted until July 1st. Thank you to all the authors that contributed.
2019 Dermatitis Article of the Year
Isothiazolinone Content of US Consumer Adhesives: Ultrahigh-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Mass Spectrometry Analysis
Goodier, Molly C.; Zang, Lun-Yi; Siegel, Paul D.; Warshaw, Erin M.
Dermatitis. 30(2):129-134, March/April 2019.
2nd Place Runner Up
Effect of Patch Testing on the Course of Allergic Contact Dermatitis and Prognostic Factors That Influence Outcomes
Korkmaz, Pinar; Boyvat, Ayse
Dermatitis. 30(2):135-141, March/April 2019.
3rd Place Runner Up (tie)
Paraben Toxicology
Fransway, Anthony F.; Fransway, Paulina J.; Belsito, Donald V.; Yiannias, James A.
Dermatitis. 30(1):32-45, January/February 2019.
Validating a Quality-of-Life Instrument for Allergic Contact Dermatitis
Botto, Nina; Raffi, Jodie; Trivedi, Megha; Ramirez, Faustine; Allen, Isabel E.; Chren, Mary-Margaret
Dermatitis. 30(5):300-305, September/October 2019.
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Education and Research Awards
The ACDS is committed to advancing the care and understanding of dermatitis and allergy through the promotion of education, research and advocacy. As part of this initiative, ACDS offers education awards to help encourage research in these areas. Following are the winners of the current award cycle.
Clinical Research Award for young investigators in the sub-specialty
Mentoring Award to nurture young leaders in the sub-specialty
Mid-Career Award provides financial support to defray the cost of acquiring specific skills and knowledge to enhance professional development
Outcomes Research Award to establish the value of expert specialist evaluation and management of chronic dermatitis
For more information or to apply for an award, either click on the above award name or here.

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