Message from the President
Dear ACDS Member,
As the end of 2020 approaches, we invite you to take a moment to reflect on the past year and look to what lays ahead. Despite the challenges of the past year, ACDS has remained strong, both financially and in the opportunities it presents to our members. Our membership continues to grow with more engagement than ever before. If you have not yet renewed for the upcoming year, we encourage you to renew your ACDS membership early, in order to maintain access to CAMP, the Dermatitis Journal, and our many other member benefits.
After careful deliberation, the ACDS Board of Directors and the ACDS Annual Meeting Planning Committee made the decision for the ACDS 32nd Annual Meeting to go entirely virtual; and registration is now open! The program will feature all those sessions you look forward to attending every year in a mixture of live streaming and recorded sessions. Keep your calendars marked for March 17-18, 2021!
For those wanting to be more active participants in the ACDS Annual Meeting, we invite you to submit an abstract for an opportunity to present your research in the form of an oral or poster presentation. Be sure to submit before the January 3rd deadline!
Despite the limitations on our ability to meet in person this year, ACDS has continued to offer opportunities to engage our membership. Our virtual events have helped our members stay connected, and they are pretty fantastic! Be sure to check out our next virtual event which is scheduled for February!
Additionally, the new year will bring an enhanced version of CAMP. CAMP 2.0 will allow for a more user-friendly interface and improved functionality for both you and your patients, featuring more products, easier allergen searches and enhanced patient educational handouts. Watch for more information coming soon, with an anticipated rollout in the first half of 2021.
It is my hope that you, our members, have had every opportunity to stay healthy and happy this year.
Yours in Patch Testing,

Facebook: @ACDSDermatitis @DermatitisJournal
Instagram: ACDS_Dermatitis
Twitter: @ACDS_Dermatitis @dermatitisJrnl
Inside this Issue

Your ACDS Membership Expires on December 31 -
Renew Today!
If you haven't renewed yet, your current ACDS membership will expire on December 31. In order to continue taking advantage of all the great ACDS benefits, you may renew your membership online, by emailing us your completed invoice, or by returning the invoice along with payment in the mail.
We look forward to your continued support of ACDS!
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Vote for ACDS Board of Directors!
Deadline: Monday, December 21
The 2021 ACDS Board of Director Elections will include three Board of Director positions and the President-Elect position. All positions will become effective March 19, 2021, following the ACDS 32nd Annual Meeting.
Visit the website to learn more about the following candidates:
The candidate with the majority of votes for the President-Elect position will be appointed to the President-Elect position with the runner-up being appointed as the Vice President. Both positions will serve for a two year term.
- Jennifer K. Chen, MD Stanford, CA
- Alison Ehrlich, MD MHS Washington, DC
Board of Directors
The three candidates with the majority of the votes will be appointed to the three open Board of Director positions. Each Director will serve for a three year term.
- Brandon Adler, MD Los Angeles, CA
- Katherine K. Brown, MD Radnor, PA
- Salma Faghri De La Feld, MD Atlanta, GA
- Alexandra Flamm, MD Hershey, PA
- Kari L. Martin, MD Columbia, MO
- Sonja Molin, MD Kingston, ON, Canada
Voting Deadline: Monday, December 21, 2020; 11:59pm CST

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SAVE the DATE - March 17-18, 2021
The ACDS 32nd Annual Meeting is Going Virtual!
Virtual Annual Meeting Highlights
- Explore a mix of educational content available both live and on-demand including our Keynote Fisher Lecture, Fisher resident presentations, Hot Topic Sessions, and Advanced Patch Testing session.
- Maintain access to content for up to 3 months after the live event
- Earn up to 8.5 CME credits towards continuing education
- Interact with sponsors and exhibitors in the virtual exhibit hall
- Browse the poster abstract collection in the e-poster gallery
- Network and connect with your colleagues in designated member meet-ups
- Obtain the latest updates at the ACDS Annual Business Meeting
For more information on specific programing, click here.
Register Today!
Registration is now open for the ACDS 32nd Annual Meeting. Renew your 2021 ACDS membership and take advantage of the member rates as listed below.
ACDS members - $150
Non-member physicians - $175
Nurse/PA - $100
Residents/Students - Free
Bonus Offer
Be one of the first 200 people to register, and qualify to enter into a drawing for the following:
Abstract Submission Now Open!
Interested in presenting at the ACDS Annual Meeting? Submitting an abstract through the ACDS submission process, allows individuals an opportunity to present research at the Annual Meeting in the form of an oral or poster presentation.
BONUS offer for Resident and Medical Students – Spread the Word
Do you know a resident or medical student who would love a little extra cash in their pocket?
Each year, the ACDS presents the Alexander A. Fisher Resident Award for the best oral presentation by a resident or medical student at the ACDS Annual Meeting. Submit your abstract below, and the top three presenters have the opportunity to receive one of the coveted Alexander A. Fisher Awards in the amounts of $1,000, $300 and $100. Click here to learn more.
For more information or to submit an abstract, please click here.
Submission Deadline: Sunday, January 3, 2021 at 11:59pm CT.
Thank you to our Sponsors!
ACDS wishes to thank the following sponsors for their generous support.
Platinum Sponsor:

Interested in exhibiting at the ACDS Virtual Annual Meeting? Please click here!
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Dermatitis Journal Update
To the members of the ACDS;
I am honored to assume the duties of Editor-in-Chief of Dermatitis beginning on January 1, 2021. This follows in the footsteps of the highly successful leadership of Ponciano (Chito) Cruz, whose duties spanned more than a twenty year timeframe. During this time, the number of submissions to the journal have steadily climbed, and importantly the impact factor has peaked at 3.988. This ranking has earned our journal eighth place (88th percentile) among the 68 dermatology journals catalogued by Clarivate, which is its highest ranking ever achieved!
For this tremendous accomplishment, we are indebted to Chito for his sustained effort that has led to our journal rising through the ranks of dermatology journals to its present lofty status. I intend to build on these successes, with expansion of the journal, changes in the editorial board, new features and refinements to our journal and its website to maintain the upward trajectory of Dermatitis.
The current success of the journal has been dependent on the caliber of the scientific manuscripts which are selected for publication, and it is my intention to maintain these high standards. I am grateful to the editorial board for their advice, the reviewers for their efforts in assessing the quality of the manuscripts, and to the authors of the scientific manuscripts for their excellent work, the editorial office for the timely processing of the manuscripts and the collaboration of our current publisher, Wolters Kluwer. Lastly, I am grateful to the members of the American Contact Dermatitis Society and its officers in maintaining our journal. Without your interest and support, there would be no journal.
Our journal’s purpose is to elevate the status of the American Contact Dermatitis Society in the biomedical community of science, and to serve the needs of its members. For this latter point, I ask the members to please contact me with your needs, ideas, interests, criticisms and pathways to further improve Dermatitis. As is apparent from my comments above, the success of Dermatitis has been a collaborative effort, and this certainly will not change.
I wish everyone a safe and prosperous 2021.
Anthony A. Gaspari, MD
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ACDS AMA and Health Policy Committee Update
I attended the first ever American Medical Association (AMA) House of Delegates (HOD) Meeting in November 2020 as the ACDS representative to the AMA Specialty and Service Society (SSS).
Highlights from the AMA 2020 Interim Meeting:
The AMA Dermatology Section Council, of which I am a member as the ACDS SSS Representative, greatly contributed to updating AMA policy at the recent meeting by way of verbal testimony and written commentary. The current AMA President, Susan Bailey, MD, is an allergist from Texas.
- Systemic Racism - At this historic meeting the AMA HOD adopted a comprehensive resolution recognizing racism as a public health threat and calling on health centers and practices to mitigate the effects of racism on patients, providers, and trainees.
- Telemedicine - Because of the expansion of telemedicine during the pandemic, this has become a hot button topic. The new policy calls for loosening of the geographic restriction as well as fair payment practices. It also includes guardrails for the safe practice of telemedicine and respects the boundaries of state-based licensing.
- Prior Authorization - Policy was adopted to advocate that all insurance companies and benefit managers that require prior authorization have staff available to process approvals 24 hours a day, every day of the year, including holidays and weekends. This should help to improve access to both our common and nuanced prescriptions as specialists in allergic contact dermatitis.
Bruce A. Brod, MD MHCI FAAD
Chair, ACDS AMA and Health Policy Committee
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The ACDS is committed to advancing the care and understanding of dermatitis and allergy through the promotion of education, research and advocacy. As part of this initiative, ACDS offers education awards to help encourage research in these areas.
Congratulations to the following award recipients:
- Walter Liszewski, MD - Clinical Research Award Recipient
- Sachi Patel, MD - Mentoring Award Recipient
- Michael Sheehan, MD - Mid-Career Award Recipient
Clinical Research Award for young investigators in the sub-specialty
Mentoring Award to nurture young leaders in the sub-specialty
Mid-Career Award provides financial support to defray the cost of acquiring specific skills and knowledge to enhance professional development
For more information or to apply for an award, click here.

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