Message from the President
Dear ACDS Member,
It's hard to believe that August is just around the corner and the last of summer vacations will be squeezed in before the start of school. Everywhere we look, people are getting out and about after the very challenging last few years. In spite of these challenges, ACDS continues to grow and our membership numbers have increased year over year.
Currently, we have almost 150 more members than we did at this time last year. We are very excited about the future of ACDS and the new members that have joined our family. If you know of anyone that could benefit from being an ACDS member, please send them this link that shows the many reasons why being an ACDS member is a great investment.
ACDS Membership Renewal
Speaking of membership, ACDS membership for 2023 will be opening on October 1. Additional emails will be sent once the renewal portal is available. Watch for a paper invoice in the mail the first part of November. Please log in to your member portal to ensure that the correct email and mailing addresses are on file, to prevent losing access to CAMP and the Dermatitis Journal.
Dermatitis Updates
The American Contact Dermatitis Society (ACDS) is pleased to announce that it has selected Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. as the new publisher of Dermatitis, starting in January 2023. Click here to read the full press release.
In order to ensure your institution continues to offer this Journal in their library collection, we are encouraging all ACDS members to reach out to their institutions. For additional information, please see below.
Upcoming ACDS Meetings
We look forward to seeing more of you next year for the ACDS 34th Annual Meeting, March 16, 2023 in New Orleans. In addition, we are working hard in bringing the ACDS Fall Meeting back in 2023 with an exciting new destination - Park City, UT! Watch for more information coming soon for both of these exciting events!
It is my hope that you, our members, have had every opportunity to stay healthy and happy this year.
If you have member news or information you would like highlighted in a future ACDS Newsletter, please email it to info@contactderm.org.

Douglas L. Powell, MD

Facebook: @ACDSDermatitis @DermatitisJournal
Instagram: ACDS_Dermatitis
Twitter: @ACDS_Dermatitis @dermatitisJrnl
Inside this Issue

The ACDS Board of Directors is the fiduciary body, responsible for governance of the ACDS and stewardship of its assets. It is empowered to act on behalf of the membership within the framework of the organization's bylaws and is legally, ethically, and morally responsible for performing its functions.
Beginning August 15th, nominations will be accepted for one President Elect and three Board of Directors openings. All ACDS members are encouraged to nominate a fellow member of the Society for election to the board of directors. Self-nominations are allowed and encouraged. Watch for more information coming soon!
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A New Domain for Dermatitis
Our Journal, Dermatitis, currently has four main areas of interest ("Domains"). These include contact, occupational, atopic and drug-induced dermatitis. After reviewing our readership survey from April 2021, we learned that there was support among our readership for introducing new areas of interest, such as allergy, immunology and toxicology (56% of the respondents supported this concept).
During our editorial board meeting at the annual meeting in March 2022, the idea of expanding the scope of Dermatitis was discussed vigorously. This concept was supported by most members of our editorial board. Since we have the support of our readership and editorial board, we are moving forward with expanding to include a fifth domain: that of environmental dermatitis.
What does environmental dermatitis encompass? We assembled a working group of editorial board members, including Drs. Jake Turrentine, Susan Nedorost, Paul Bigliardi, Jean Krutmann and myself to answer this question.
Our Working Definition of Environmental Dermatitis:
"Environmental Dermatitis is defined by allergic (both delayed and immediate) and irritant skin reactions to aeroallergens (house dust mite, molds, pollen, plants, animal and insect dander), foods and protein contact dermatitis. It also includes dermatitis resulting from compromised skin barrier function. It includes immediate and delayed skin tests to confirm these diagnoses cased numerous triggers. This includes prick, patch (including atopy patch tests and pollution patch tests) and intradermal tests as well as blood tests to diagnose such reactions. Main areas covered include basic biological mechanisms, diagnostic methods, experimental investigations and clinical aspects, including therapy.
Importantly, the role of exposomal factors (whether indoors or outdoors) in inducing or modifying the course of such dermatitis is of interest. This includes dust, smoke, pollutants, microbes, chemicals, ultraviolet radiation, climatic and nutritional factors. It also includes reactions to dermatitis induced by bites, stings and envenomations from insects, reptiles and animals."
We anticipate our new domain, environmental dermatitis, will be of interest to dermatologists, allergists, epidemiologists, immunologists and toxicologists and hence broaden the readership of Dermatitis.
To strengthen our editorial board, we are fortunate to have recruited a world-renowned physician scientist, Dr. Jean Krutmann from the Leibiz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine in Dusseldorf, Germany to assume the title of Associate Editor for this new domain. He is an expert on environmentally-induced (extrinsic) skin aging and will be an outstanding resource for the Journal in screening manuscripts and recruiting reviewers with appropriate expertise in this new domain.
This new domain is now reflected in our Journal title banner: "Dermatitis: Contact-Atopic-Occupational-Drug-Environmental" as well as the editorial page of each issue. It is also present on our Journal's website. In collaboration with our publisher, Wolters Kluwers, we have also included a call for manuscripts to the scientific community at large.
Most importantly, we look forward to receiving manuscripts from our existing readership to support this new domain. By expanding our domains to include the evolving area of environmental dermatitis, we anticipate to gather more interest from the scientific community at large, and further elevate the scientific and clinical value of our Journal. As with all journal initiatives, we welcome the feedback of the members of ACDS.
Anthony A. Gaspari, MD
Dermatitis Editor-in-Chief
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Does Your institution Have Access to Dermatitis?
Dermatitis is the official Journal of the ACDS and is published six times per year, with focuses on contact, atopic, occupational, environmental and drug dermatitis. It welcomes manuscript submissions in these fields, with emphasis on reviews, studies, reports, letters and images in Dermatitis.
The ACDS is committed to advancing the care and understanding of dermatitis and allergy and considers the Dermatitis Journal a valuable resource in fulfilling that endeavor. ACDS members will continue to have complimentary access to the Journal by logging into their ACDS member account through the ACDS website.
As previously announced, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. will begin serving as the new publisher of Dermatitis, starting January 2023.
In order to insure your institution continues to offer this Journal in their library collection, we are encouraging all ACDS members to reach out to their institutions. For your convenience, a template has been provided below for your use in contacting your applicable institutional representatives.
For additional information on the Dermatitis Journal, click here.
Any questions can be directed to the ACDS at info@contactderm.org or by contacting Mary Ann Liebert's Global Sales Director, Wendy Newsham by email at wnewsham@liebertpub.com.
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Health Policy and Advocacy Report
ACDS Welcomed into the AMA
Congratulations to the ACDS for becoming a member of the American Medical Association (AMA) House of Delegates (HOD)!! The AMA HOD held its Annual Meeting in June 2022, adopted the report from the AMA Board of Trustees recommending our new status in the AMA. We now have a vote on resolutions, reports and elections at the biannual AMA HOD meetings. As our first delegate, I had the privilege of casting votes at the AMA Annual Meeting in Chicago this past June.
Dermatologist Inaugurated as AMA President
This was the first live AMA HOD meeting in over two years and Jack Resneck, Jr, MD, FAAD was inaugurated as AMA President. He is the first dermatologist to be the AMA President in 99 years. His priorities include repairing our broken system for physicians in the United States. He is also a staunch advocate for the sanctity of the patient-physician relationship without the interference of government when it comes to making medical decisions.
Adopted Resolutions of Importance to ACDS
At the June 22 meeting we testified in support of a resolution to actively oppose scheduling gabapentin as a level V controlled substance because doing so might impede access. The AMA will now actively oppose this including writing a letter to the FDA Commissioner.
A resolution introduced by the Dermatology Section Council to address lidocaine shortages was adopted and will result in the AMA collaborating with other specialties in drafting a letter to the FDA regarding shortages of lidocaine and sterile saline. The resolution also calls for strengthening AMA's existing policy on drug shortages.
AMA policy on strengthening coverage for ancillary costs associated with clinical trials was also adopted. This will modify existing AMA policy on clinical research coverage and reimbursement to permit sponsors to add non-ancillary costs to the items covered in nationally approved clinical trials. It also asks the AMA to actively advocate for federal and state legislation that would allow coverage of non-clinical ancillary costs by sponsors of clinical trials.
There were several resolutions adopted focusing on protecting independent practice, promoting fair reimbursement, and reducing administrative burdens such as prior authorizations.
A report addressing public health disinformation was adopted. The report discusses the impact of health-related disinformation disseminated by health professionals and the ways that disinformation is spread including through social media platforms and other media. The report provides a summary of the authority of health professional licensing and credentialing boards in addressing disinformation.
For More Information
The proceedings from the June 2022 Annual Meeting of the House of Delegates have been posted on the AMA website. Updated policies can be found here.
Bruce A. Brod, MD, MHCI, FAAD
ACDS Representative to the AMA
Alexandra Flamm, MD, FAAD
Chair, ACDS Health Policy Committee
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Get Involved with American Academy of Dermatology Association's (AADA) Employer Engagement Initiative
The AADA formed the Employer Engagement Strategy Workgroup (EESW) to develop and deploy a strategy to educate employers and benefit plan designers on the value of dermatology and how access to dermatologic care for workers addresses employer's needs for a productive workforce. The EESW is also tasked with developing alliances among employers and other stakeholders to further AADA's advocacy efforts and enhance access to dermatological services. The workgroup felt it was important to have a single clinical emphasis as a starting point and will focus on contact dermatitis, which is the most frequent type of occupational skin disease.
The workgroup is seeking help from members of the American Contact Dermatitis Society as they develop this strategy. Please consider referring employer contacts, particularly if you:
- Work directly with employers as a dermatologist for their employees,
- Work with employers where the primary occupation is at elevated risk for occupational contact dermatitis, or
- Have contacts with employers including self-funded employers.
The workgroup's short-term goals are to form partnerships with self-insured employers to promote access to dermatologist-led care, as well as learn about their employee's dermatological needs. AADA then intends to initiate a pilot project targeting contact dermatitis with a small cadre of employers to field test key concepts for employer engagement.
For your convenience we have attached an email template you may use in initiating direct contact with these employers. If you have contacts you are willing to share or make introductions with, please reach out via email to the workgroup staff liaison Becky Dolan or the workgroup chair Alexandra Flamm, MD, FAAD.
Any questions you might have can be directed to Dr. Flamm or by emailing the ACDS directly at info@contactderm.org.
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The American Contact Dermatitis Society is committed to advancing the care and understanding of dermatology and allergy through the promotion of education, research and advocacy. As part of this initiative, ACDS offers the following educational awards to help encourage research in these areas.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and
Healthcare Disparities Award
The American Contact Dermatitis Society is pleased to offer a research award dedicated to the study of diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI), and healthcare disparities within dermatitis. These awards will not exceed $10,000 per year and will favor those in the $3,000 to $5,000 range.
Applicants may focus on race, ethnicity, and/or socieoeconomic factors and their effect on the pathophysiology, epidemiology, education, diagnosis, management, or prevention of atopic or contact dermatoses in skin of color.
Click here to see a list of past recipients of the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Healthcare Disparities Award.
Clinical Research Award
The ACDS offers awards for the purpose of relevant clinical studies directed toward the subject of contact dermatitis. Studies which focus on clinical problems or have applications to clinical problems will receive preferential consideration. These awards will not exceed $5,000 each and will favor those in the $3,000 to $5,000 range.
One of the awards, the James R. Nethercott Clinical Research Award Fund, honors the memory and achievements of Dr. James R. Nethercott and will provide a clinical research award in the amount of $5,000 for young investigators studying occupational dermatology and/or epidemiology of contact dermatitis.
2022 Award Recipients
- Haiwen Gui - “Prevalence of Contact Allergens in Natural Personal Care Products”
- Christina Murphy, BA - “Identifying Allergens in Modern Eye Cosmetic Practices”
- Christen Samaan, MD - "Is In-Person Day 2 Patch Testing Necessary?"
- Michelle Xiong - "Analysis of Formaldehyde Content in Eyelash Extension Glue"
Click here to see a list of past recipients of the Clinical Research Award.
Mentoring Award
The ACDS mentoring awards are granted for the purpose of assisting young dermatologists including dermatology residents, dermatology fellows, or dermatologist up to 5 years out of residency to become leaders/experts in the field of contact dermatitis by acquiring additional academic skills which may not be available at their training institutions.
ACDS Mentoring Award History can be found here.
Mid-Career Award
The ACDS Mid-Career Development Award provides financial support for ACDS members to defray the cost of acquiring specific skills and knowledge to enhance their professional development in some aspect of contact dermatitis and/or occupational dermatology.
The goal of this Program is to provide ACDS members opportunities to enhance their career development through participating in "hands-on" training or other educational activities.
To see Mid-Career Award History, click here.
Outcomes Research Award
The ACDS Outcomes Research Award is for study of outcomes of dermatitis evaluation and management. Proposals may include investigators from single or multiple centers. The purpose is to establish the value of expert specialist evaluation and management of chronic dermatitis. Proposals are expected from established centers with availability of extended patch test series. Results from the research will be published in Dermatitis subject to editorial review.
Outcomes Research Award history can be found here.

For information on any of these opportunities,
please visit Education and Research on our website.
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