Message from the President
Dear ACDS Member,
As we head into the spring season, let us hope that we
continue to go in the right direction with lower COVID cases, with the
lessening of restrictions and the opening of businesses. We were
fortunate to host the ACDS 33rd Annual Meeting in person on
Thursday, March 24 in Boston. It was great seeing all those that
ventured to Boston to attend our first live event since the Annual
Meeting in 2019 in Washington, D.C.
We had 143 people join us in person, with an additional 165
people registered to access on-demand content virtually. Access to the
on-demand content continues to be available through June 24, and offers
up to 8.50 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. If you have not yet registered, you can do so by clicking here. Please also extend a huge congratulations to all of our award winners associated with the Annual Meeting as listed below.
We look forward to seeing more of you in attendance next year for the ACDS 34th
Annual Meeting, March 16, 2023 in New Orleans. In addition, we are
working hard in bringing the ACDS Fall Meeting back in 2023 with an
exciting new destination - Park City, UT. Watch for more
information for both of these exciting events!
Thank you to Outgoing Board Members and Welcome to New Members!
I want to give a heartfelt thank you to the following board
members: Drs. Sarah Chisolm, Sara Hylwa and Jiade "Jeff" Yu. Your
leadership and service over the past three years has been much
appreciated. We look forward to having Drs. Katherine Brown, Salma de la
Feld and Aida Lugo-Somolinos on board for the next three years. For a
complete list of the ACDS Board of Directors, please click here.
It is my hope that you, our members, have had every opportunity to stay healthy and happy this year.
If you have member news or information you would like highlighted in a future ACDS Newsletter, please email it to info@contactderm.org.

Douglas L. Powell, MD

Facebook: @ACDSDermatitis @DermatitisJournal
Instagram: ACDS_Dermatitis
Twitter: @ACDS_Dermatitis @dermatitisJrnl
Inside this Issue
ACDS 2022 Leadership Updates
We are excited to announce the results of the 2022 ACDS Board of
Directors election. Congratulations to the below board members, who took
their positions effective March 25, 2022. Please join us in
congratulating them on this great honor.
2022 Board of Directors

Katherine Brown, MD
Radnor, PA |

Salma de la Feld, MD
Atlanta, GA |

Aida Lugo-Somolinos, MD
Chapel Hill, NC |
Thank you to the following for their leadership over the past few years. We appreciate your service!

Sarah Chisolm, MD
Atlanta, GA |

Sara Hylwa, MD
Minneapolis, MN |

Jiade "Jeff" Yu, MD
Boston, MA |
For a complete list of the ACDS Board of Directors, please click here.
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Annual Meeting Highlights
The 33rd Annual Meeting of the American Contact
Dermatitis Society (ACDS) was held on March 24 in Boston and featured
outstanding speakers, making for a memorable meeting. The planning
committee included Chair Dr. Ari Goldminz along with members Drs. Nicole
Burkemper, Matthew Hall, Clifford Bassett, Alex Flamm, Salma de la
Feld, Kari Martin, Golara Honari and Tony Gaspari.
The meeting began with Dr. Jenny Murase speaking during the
Regeneron and Sanofi Genzyme sponsored breakfast session on the topic of
underlying inflammation and visible burden in atopic dermatitis. Our
ACDS President, Dr. Doug Powell, then gave the opening remarks,
introduced the new ACDS Peer Mentorship Program, held a moment of
silence to recognize the losses of Cindy Froehlich and Dave Severson,
and awarded Presidential Citations for exemplary service to the society.
Next, Dr. Ari Goldminz, the meeting chair, gave a warm welcome to the
attendees and introduced Dr. Don Belsito who announced aluminum as the
2022 ACDS Allergen of the Year.
Over the course of the meeting, various topics in the fields of
contact, occupational and atopic dermatitis were covered. The ten Fisher
presenters discussed topics from patch testing to topical
corticosteroids, to effects of systemic corticosteroids on patch testing
results, patch testing-induced anaphylaxis and contact urticaria,
eyebrow and eyelash aesthetics, metal allergy and others.
The second half of the morning was dedicated to lectures in the
General Session and included a talk on "High Value Dermatitis Care" by
Dr. Susan Nedorost, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on adults with
atopic dermatitis, occupational hand eczema and patch testing results
among White, Black, Hispanic and Asian children, among other topics. The
Track 2 - Basics of Patch Testing lecture series was pre-recorded and
is available on-demand as part of our hybrid approach to the 2022 Annual
During the lunch session, sponsored by Dormer/Chemotechnique, Dr.
Powell convened the ACDS Annual Business Meeting, acknowledging
outgoing board members, recognizing current board members and welcoming
new board members. He announced the Dave Severson CAMP internship and
presented the Howard Maibach Travel Award to Dr. Eimear Gilhooley from
Ireland. Dr. Powell then thanked our top sponsors, including Platinum
Sponsors Dormer Laboratories, Inc./Chemotechnique Diagnostics and
Regeneron and Sanofi Genzyme; Gold Sponsor Pharmaceutical Specialties;
and Silver Sponsor AbbVie. Next, Dr. Kal Watsky provided the ACDS
Secretary Treasurer's report and Dr. Tony Gaspari, Dermatitis Editor-in-Chief, gave a Journal update.
Lunch was followed by the Alexander Fisher Lecturer, Dr. Jacob
Thyssen, who shared insights through his observations on allergic
contact dermatitis over the years. He took us on his fascinating journey
to answer various clinical and scientific questions and challenges
related to metal allergies and others.
This was followed by the Hot Topics session. Dr. Sarah Chisolm
spoke about Advances in Pruritus, covering the latest on mechanisms of
itch and treatment options. Next, Dr. Warshaw chronicled contact
dermatitis pearls from the masters that endure through uncommon,
precious texts. Dr. Esther Freeman delivered a thought-provoking and
timely talk on cutaneous reactions to Covid-19 vaccines. Dr. Sandy
Skotnicki spoke about approaches for personal care products in the
setting of challenging allergens, covering key clinical pearls. Dr. Cory
Dunnick discussed the role of telemedicine in contact dermatitis, an
area of growing interest in our modern age. Dr. Andrew Alexis presented
insights on the important topic of dermatitis and patch testing in skin
of color. The Hot Topics session concluded with an exciting panel
discussion of practice set up and management, led by Drs. Amber Atwater,
Andrew Scheman and Alina Goldenberg.
Dr. Katherine Brown then presented the Fisher Resident and Poster awards. Congratulations to all our winners who are listed below.
The meeting concluded with the Contact Allergen Bee, moderated by Drs. Nicole Burkemper and Jeff Yu; and the cocktail reception.
As a reminder, if you were unable to attend the meeting in
person, all Annual Meeting presentations are available online through
June 24th. You may register for access here. We look forward to seeing everyone next year for the 34th Annual Meeting, which will take place March 16, 2023, in New Orleans.
Submitted by:
Ari Goldminz, MD
33rd Annual Meeting Committee Chair
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On-Demand Access Now Available!
As a reminder, all content from the ACDS 33rd Annual
Meeting is available for viewing on-demand through June 24, 2022. This
includes the following educational lectures and poster presentations:
- Alexander Fisher Lecture
- Fisher Presentations
- Basics of Patch Testing
- General Session Presentations
- Hot Topics

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If you weren't able to join us in Boston, all content from the ACDS 33rd
Annual Meeting is available for viewing on-demand through June 24,
2022. This includes all the above educational lectures and poster
presentations. CME is available.

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Complete the Surveys!
We encourage all attendees to provide feedback by completing the
individual session surveys found associated with each session's
on-demand content.
Have an idea that you would like to see presented at the next Annual Meeting? Be sure to share your input by emailing us at info@contactderm.org or by completing the general overall annual meeting survey.
Thank you for completing these surveys, which will help us make improvements to our future events.
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Congratulations to the Below Award Recipients!
2022 Alexander A. Fisher Resident Award
The Alexander A. Fisher Resident Award is presented to the best
oral presentation by a resident or medical student at the Scientific
Session of the ACDS Annual Meeting.
- Gold - Michelle Xiong, BS - Analysis of Formaldehyde Content in Eyelash Glues
- Silver - Christina Murphy, BA - Emerging Allergens in Eyebrow and Eyelash Aesthetics
- Bronze - Joyce Chen, BS - Patch Testing to
Topical Corticosteroids: Do Corticosteroid Classes Exist? A
Retrospective Analysis of 5,637 Patients and 18 Corticosteroids Over 10
Years at Mayo Clinic
2022 Fran Storrs Poster Award
The Fran Storrs Poster Award is presented to the top three
research/review posters at the Scientific Session of the ACDS Annual
- Gold - Eimear Gilhooley, MD - Piloting Photographic Photonic Patch Testing
- Silver - Maria Antonieta R. Scherrer, MD - Dermatoscopic Aspects of Patch Test Readings
- Bronze - Sara Abdel Azim, MS - Allergic Contact Dermatitis to Cannabis and Related Essential Oils
2022 Howard I. Maibach Travel Award
The Howard I. Maibach Travel Award provides travel grants to the
American Contact Dermatitis Society's Annual Meeting for the
presentation of work (either an oral presentation or poster
presentation) by investigators outside of the U.S. and Canada.
- Eimear Gilhooley, MD (Ireland)
2022 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Travel Award History
The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Travel Award provides travel
grants to the American Contact Dermatitis Society's Annual Meeting for
the presentation of work (either an oral presentation or poster
presentation) which focuses on diversity, equity, inclusion, or
healthcare disparities within dermatitis.
- Katherine Young, BS, MEng - Comparison of Patch Testing Results Among White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian Children
2022 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Healthcare Disparities Poster Award
In recognition of a new initiative surrounding diversity, equity
and inclusion, The American Contact Dermatitis Society is pleased to
announce the availability of the new DEI Poster Award. This award will
recognize work focused around diversity, equity, inclusion and health
disparities within dermatitis.
- Michelle Xiong, BS - Allergenic Ingredients in Sunscreens Marketed for Skin of Color
2022 Contact Allergen Bee Winners
All ACDS Annual Meeting resident attendees had an opportunity to
participate in the popular Contact Allergen Bee sponsored by the ACDS Dermatitis Journal. Congrats to our winners!
- Grand Prize Winner - Wei-Che Ko, MD
- Runner Up - Kelly Scarberry, MD
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ACDS wishes to thank the following sponsors for their support of the ACDS 33rd Annual Meeting!

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A New Feature For Dermatitis
The Dermatitis
editorial office is pleased to announce the addition of a new
publication category for our journal, entitled: “Images in Dermatitis”.
This new publication category will be in addition to our existing
categories of studies, reviews, editorials, abstracts, research letters
and pearls & zebras.
and especially the forensic art of diagnosing contact dermatitis is a
“visual specialty”. We all recognize the central importance of the
clinical examination to dermatologic diagnosis. The appearance, the
morphology, the shape and distribution of lesions—these features leading
to the diagnosis of contact dermatitis as well as other dermatologic
diseases. The critical role of the physical examination, provides
evidence to make a diagnosis visually, is part of the art of the study
of contact dermatitis and related conditions and is shared by few other
medical specialties.
This new publication category will be available in print and online issues of Dermatitis.
The structure of “Images in Dermatitis” is similar to that of research
letters or pearls & zebras (see below). This new category differs in
that the image (or images) will be the centerpiece of the publication.
The images can be a novel or an unusual presentation or a classic
presentation of contact dermatitis, patch test reactions, atopic
dermatitis, occupational dermatitis or drug-induced dermatitis. Similar
to all submissions to the journal, manuscripts will undergo peer-review.
purpose of this new publication category is to build an image database
on our website, which can serve as an additional educational resource
for our members. Manuscripts published as “Images in Dermatitis” can be
cited by authors submitting articles to Dermatitis as
well as other journals. Thus, “Images in Dermatitis” can contribute in a
positive way to the impact factor of our Journal. It is also a
celebration of the joy of the visual nature of our specialty.
Instructions for this type of submission are summarized below and are
also posted on our Journal’s website.
Instructions for Submitting a Manuscript
This feature is intended to provide a high-quality visual image of
interesting and unique dermatological observations related to Contact,
Occupational, Atopic and Drug-Induced dermatitis. These include clinical
images of skin diseases (i.e., photographs, photomicrographs, and other
images) that enhance the understanding of cutaneous pathophysiology and
improve clinicians' ability to diagnose and treat skin disorders.
to a 500-word description of the clinical issue, the patient's
presentation and findings, and the image should be included. There
should be no more than 2 images (figures), 5 references, and no more
than 3 authors. Online supplementary material is not allowed.
For Dermatitis,
the images should address one or more of the four major areas of focus
of our Journal (Contact, Occupational, Atopic and Drug). The Images will
be published in the print version of Dermatitis, and on the Journal website as part of an image gallery.
the patient(s) described in these manuscripts is identifiable, a
Patient Permission form must be completed and signed by the
patient(s) and submitted with the manuscript. Omitting data or making
data less specific to de-identify patients is acceptable, but changing
any such data is not acceptable.
We look forward to receiving your submissions for this new category of publication in Dermatitis.
Top Ten Scoring Altmetric Articles in Dermatitis from 2021
Our Dermatitis publisher’s
annual report includes a measure of world-wide attention which our
published articles receive from the preceding year. Articles receive an
“Altmetric Score”, which represents a cumulative score that includes
both academic (scholarly) as well as non-academic citations (social
media mentions-such as newspapers, blogs, tweets). The higher the
Altmetric score, the more attention the article is receiving. Altmetric
scores of 15 or higher are considered to be strong “Attention-Getters”,
which is great news for the Journal.
Here are the “Top 10” Dermatitis articles for 2021, ranked by their Altmetric scores (publication dates and Altmetric scores in parentheses):
- Atopic Dermatitis Is Associated With Multiple Behavioral Problems in US Children and Adolescents (publication date: 4/9/2021; Altmetric score: 17)
- Autoimmune Progesterone Dermatitis (publication date: 8/16/2021; Altmetric score: 15)
- North American Contact Dermatitis Group Patch Test Results: 2017–2018 (publication date: 3/1/2021; Altmetric score: 12)
- Impact of Gloves and Mask Use on Epidermal Barrier Function in Health Care Workers (publication date: 1/1/2021; Altmetric score: 10)
- Reducing
Discomfort and Irritation Related to Surgical Loop Masks in the Era of
COVID-19: A Quality Improvement Initiative (publication date: 3/3/2021; Altmetric score: 10)
- Systemic Treatment of Cutaneous Adverse Events After Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy (publication date: 8/16/2021; Altmetric score: 10)
- The
Burden of Coronavirus Disease 2019 and Its Complications in Patients
With Atopic Dermatitis—A Nested Case-Control Study (publication date:
6/16/2021; Altmetric score: 10)
- Anti-inflammatory
Effect of Cannabidiol and Palmitoylethanolamide Containing Topical
Formulation on Skin in a 12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-Acetate–Induced
Dermatitis Model in Mice (publication date: 3/4/2021; Altmetric score: 9)
- Impact
and Associations of Atopic Dermatitis Out-of-Pocket Health Care
Expenses in the United States (publication date: 9/27/2021 Altmetric score: 7)
- Severe
Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Vaccines and Cutaneous Adverse
Reactions: A Review (publication date: 4/12/2021; Altmetric score: 7)
It is noteworthy that all of the Dermatitis areas
of interest (Contact, Occupational, Atopic and Drug) were represented
in this “Attention-Getter” list, with Atopic dermatitis-related articles
leading the way (three of the top 10 articles).
Congratulations to the authors of these articles!
Anthony A. Gaspari, MD
Dermatitis Editor-in-Chief
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ACDS Set to Achieve Full Delegate Status at June, 2022 AMA Meeting
ACDS is expected to become a member society of the American
Medical Association (AMA) House of Delegates at its June 2022 meeting in
Chicago. This will be the first live AMA meeting since 2019.
As a full voting member society, the ACDS will have a vote on all
AMA policy issues and elections. ACDS will also be eligible to appoint
an Alternate Delegate, as well as an advisor to the AMA's RVU Update
Committee (RUC) and the Current Procedure Terminology (CPT) Committee in
the future.
This meeting has particular significance to dermatology as Jack
Resneck, Jr., MD, FAAD, a dermatologist and Vice-Chair at UCSF
Department of Dermatology, will be inducted as AMA President.
Stay tuned for more information after the meeting on the latest policy adopted at the AMA Annual 2022.
Bruce A. Brod, MD, MHCI, FAAD
ACDS Representative to the AMA
Alexandra Flamm, MD, FAAD
Chair, ACDS Health Policy Committee
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Please join us in congratulating Bruce Brod, MD MHCI
on being a newly elected Board Member of the American Academy of
Dermatology. Dr. Brod is a clinical professor of dermatology at the
University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. He currently
serves as chair of the AADA's Council on Government Affairs and Healthy
Policy. He previously served as president of the Pennsylvania Academy of
Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery, Philadelphia Dermatological
Society and the American Contact Dermatitis Society.
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Save the Date for the ACDS 34th Annual Meeting!

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